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'Childhood obesity— brave and bold action' Health Select Committee inquiry

30 November 2015

The Health Select Committee published the findings of its inquiry into childhood obesity. The report highlighted nine areas for improvement, including:

  • stronger controls on marketing, advertising and price promotions relating to unhealthy food and drink
  • a centrally led programme to reduce sugar in food and drink through reformulation
  • a tax on full-sugar soft drinks, with all proceeds being used to help children at the highest risk of obesity
  • labelling on single portions of products containing added sugar to show sugar content in teaspoons
  • improved education and information about diet
  • universal school food standards
  • greater powers for local authorities to tackle the environments leading to obesity
  • early intervention to help families of children affected by obesity and further research to understand the most effective interventions.

The Health Select Committee called on the prime minister to make a positive and lasting difference to children's health and life chances through the childhood obesity strategy. It stated that: 'We believe that if the government fails to act, the problem will become far worse. A full package of bold measures is required and should be implemented as soon as possible.'


House of Commons Health Committee.
Childhood obesity - brave and bold action. First Report of Session 2015-16.
HMSO; 2015.