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The Old People's Welfare Committee

During the Second World War, a group (later known as Age UK) organised to improve older people's welfare.

2 December 1942

Beveridge report

The Inter-Departmental Committee led by Sir William Beveridge, considered a founding father of the NHS, published recommendations on social insurance and allied services.

March 1944

National Health Service white paper

The wartime coalition government set out its vision for a comprehensive, free and unified health service.

1 August 1946

The National Insurance Act 1946

A range of benefits, including sickness benefit, were available to those paying NI contributions.

6 November 1946

National Health Service Act 1946

Following on from the 1944 white paper, the Act provided for the establishment of a free, universal and comprehensive health service for England and Wales.

13 May 1948

The National Assistance Act 1948

Leglisation drew a distinction between chargeable services provided by local authorities and free NHS services.