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12 July 2000

Medical Act 1983 (amendment) order (2000)

The order made changes to the Medical Act 1983 to strengthen the powers of the General Medical Council (GMC).

1 July 2000

NHS Plan (2000)

The plan (a milestone for competition policy in the NHS) outlined significant health and care system reforms and responded to the 1999 Royal Commission's report on long-term care.

July 2000

Health improvement programme (HIP) evaluation

'A national review and analysis of health improvement programmes 1999-2000' included analysis of the government programme's public health elements.

1 April 2000

Food Standards Agency

The Food Standards Act 1999 established the Food Standards Agency (FSA). It set out that its main objectives were to protect the public's health in relation to food.

1 April 2000

Health Development Agency (HDA)

Following its announcement in 'Saving lives: our healthier nation', the government created a new statutory organisation to improve standards in public health.

1 December 1999

'Better care, higher standards: a charter for long-term care'

In this national charter, the government set out how local housing, health and social services departments should collaborate to deliver adult social care services.

11 August 1999

Government guidance on funding continuing healthcare

Following the Court of Appeal judgement in the case of Coughlan, the government advised health and local authorities to revise their policies and eligibility criteria for continuing healthcare.

5 July 1999

'Saving lives: our healthier nation' white paper

The government set out its action plan to tackle poor health with a focus on disease-based targets as opposed to social determinants of health.

30 June 1999

Health Act 1999

The Act intended to improve local authority and NHS coordination, formally abolished GP fundholding and made provision for primary care trusts.